read that title correctly....KNITTED!
First, crochet is bae....and technically, this shouldn't even be called a "knitted blanket."
I didn't have to use any needles...or learn how to cast on....but I did it!
This is for EVERYONE, at any level.
The easiest blanket you'll ever make.
First a very quick back story on the yarn.

Loops and Threads, Free Spirit Extra Chunky Yarn:
This yarn is AH-Mazing...and unfortunately was only available at Michaels for a limited time.
Most of all, its affordable.
Regular price for one gigantic skein is $34.99 (CDN),
and I caught it on sale....50% off! SCORE!
The problem was availability.
I went to 3 locations to end up with only 2...but I was
happy with anything.
They sold out quickly.
These extreme, extra large blankets are everywhere, and most of them are made with 100% Merino wool...which is pure luxury....but not budget friendly.
So if you have never crocheted or knitted can do this!
I made a short video of how to start your chain and how to work the rows.
(see below)
Make as many chains as you want to start - that will be the width of your blanket.
And keep going until you run out of yarn!
IMPORTANT: Make sure to scroll to the bottom. I've shared a link on
how to complete your last row
I loved making this!
Have fun!
Tag me @OTHCrochetNook, if you make one! I'd love to see it!
Completing your last row:
Click HERE to watch "Kristin At Home" she does a full tutorial on how to make the blanket, and instructions to complete the last row is at the 5:40 mark
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